Pbv 301

The Pbv 301 is a Swedish armored personnel carrier that was developed in the late 1950s. It was designed to provide mobility and protection to soldiers on the battlefield. The vehicle was used by the Swedish army for several decades and was also exported to other countries.
The Pbv 301 had a crew of two and could carry up to ten fully equipped soldiers. It was powered by a diesel engine and had a top speed of around 60 km/h. The vehicle was well-armed, with a 20mm cannon and a machine gun mounted on a turret.
One of the unique features of the Pbv 301 was its ability to operate in water. It had a water propulsion system that allowed it to move through water at a speed of up to 6 km/h. This made it a valuable asset in amphibious operations.
Overall, the Pbv 301 was a reliable and effective armored personnel carrier that served the Swedish army well for many years. Its combination of mobility, protection, and firepower made it a valuable asset on the battlefield.