Type 99

The Type 99 is a modern main battle tank used by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It is a third-generation tank that was first introduced in 2001 and has since undergone several upgrades to improve its capabilities and performance.
The tank has a crew of three, including a gunner, driver, and commander, and is equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon that can fire a variety of ammunition types, including armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), and high-explosive fragmentation (HEF).
The Type 99 also features a composite armor system that provides excellent protection against modern anti-tank weapons, as well as an active protection system that can detect and intercept incoming missiles and rockets.
In terms of mobility, the tank is powered by a 1,500hp diesel engine and can reach a top speed of around 80 km/h on the road. It also has an advanced suspension system that allows it to traverse rough terrain and climb steep inclines.
Overall, the Type 99 is a formidable tank that has proven itself in various military exercises and conflicts. It is a symbol of China's growing military power and technological advancement in the field of armored warfare.